I just watched a video that a friend of mine posted on Facebook. It's on my page now, in case you are interested in watching it. It's a youtube video called "Reflections on Motherhood". Mom's were asked what they would tell themselves if they could go back to a few days before their first baby was born. Pretty much every single thing written, I agreed with. It got me to thinking, what would I tell myself?
- Life as you know it will never be the same.
- Nothing will prepare you for this. No book, no classes, not even your mommy friends.
- You have never really known what "love at first sight" is, but you are about to.
- You will cry. Sometimes it will be for sleep, sometimes it will be for frustration, sometimes it will be for fear, sometimes it will be because you have no idea what to do. Other times it will be out of joy, amazement, and blessing. And other times it will be because you cannot find words to express how much you love that child.
- You will make mistakes. Your child will be gracious. Your spouse will be gracious. God will be gracious.
- Your child will always be on your mind, no matter where you are, what you are doing, and who you are with.
- There are no words to express what it is like to look at a child who looks like you AND like your spouse. Your child is the perfect combination of two people.
- From time to time you will feel like life is running in chaos and out of your control. It is. Just go with it.
- Time will go fast. Much faster than you will want it to. Cherish every middle of the night snuggle, because, as hard as it is to believe as you are sleep deprived, you will miss those.
- When you are up in the middle of the night with a screaming baby remember, there are other moms up with screaming babies too. You are not alone, no matter how much you may feel like you are. Pray for those other moms as you attempt to comfort your own baby.
- You and your spouse are allies not enemies.
- All fear, anxiety, frustration, fatigue, and failure will dissipate the minute you walk into that room and your baby looks straight into your eyes, smiles, and says "ma ma".
- Every expert has a different opinion. Go with your gut.
- Once you get through a difficult phase, encourage other moms who are going through it right now.
- Relax.
- Enjoy.
- Smile.