Thursday 20 June 2013

It's OK, right?

Well, I am 32 weeks into this pregnancy and I think I've been doing pretty well so far.  I've re-done our kitchen, I've been the fundraising coordinator for L's preschool, I'm still coordinating our WM group at church, and I'm still working out four times a week.  I'm determined to not be a wuss this time around like I was with the other two.  When I was pregnant with L there were several complications throughout my pregnancy so I was very hesitant to do anything.  With T things went really well and I was much more relaxed during those nine months but I really let myself be lazy (I am still wearing at least 10lbs from that pregnancy).  This time around I am very relaxed about the health of our baby and I've been feeling pretty good.  I don't know if I feel so much better than my other pregnancies or if with two kids running around I have no choice but to feel good and go on with life.  However, in the last few days things have been changing a bit.  I'm exhausted.  I wake up after sleeping all night and I'm still tired.  This morning the weather was beautiful, my kids woke up happy, and I fell asleep on the couch until almost 10:00am.  By the time I got up, fed the kids, had a shower, the morning was almost over.  With such a short summer I feel the need to enjoy every single moment of summer and missing an entire morning filled me with a lot of guilt.  But then I thought about it for a while.  It's ok to have a morning every now and then where I'm too tired to do anything, right?  My kids were happy to play in the family room while I napped and they never asked to go outside and didn't even seem to notice that they missed a morning outside.  So, I think I need to let the guilt go because I have a sneaking suspicion that this will not be the last of these types of mornings.

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