Friday 21 June 2013

Learning to Make A Difference

A few months ago L was watching commercials during some morning show that was on while I was working out.  The commercial was for an organization called the Children's Rehabilitation Foundation and it was advertising their annual Crusin' Down the Crescent event.  It helps to raise funds which provide children with disabilities with services that enable them to live with independence and ability in their own homes, schools and communities.  It's a great organization.  At the end of the commercial the narrator said, "You can make a difference!".  L turned and looked me in the eye and said, "I can make a difference?" My heart instantly melted as I told her that yes, she could make a difference and then proceeded to tell her what the event was and what the money was for.  I asked if she wanted to participate and without hesitation she agreed.  Over the next few weeks she raised $150 and began to get very excited about the event.  The day of the event was a nice warm Sunday morning.  Our whole family decided to participate together.  L rode her bike, my hubby put on his running shoes to chase her, and I (and baby bump) pushed T in the stroller.  When we arrived L got a t-shirt to wear and there were activities and games for the kids before the opening ceremonies.  When the walk began L was very excited to begin with the huge crowd.  Along the route they had performers singing and playing musical instruments, water stations, snacks being handed out, and (thankfully for me!) porta-potties.  I only had to stop three times all morning to pee ;)  About 20 minutes into our cruise L looked at me with a big grin and said, "I never knew it would be THIS much fun!"

We never did check to see how long this cruise was (I cannot figure out why) and we eventually realized it was 10kms long!  Lucky for us 10km was the goal (5 to the destination and 5 back) and people were encouraged to do just as much as they could.  I was VERY proud of our little troupers, they made it 9km!  L biked pretty much the entire way with about a 1km ride in the stroller and T was very content in the stroller but he ran about the last 3 or 4kms.  When we arrived at the finish line there was a group of people waiting with bells and whistles (literally) cheering for us.  We arrived on our own (not with a larger group of participants) and L was in awe that all these people were cheering just for her.  They gave her high fives and a big goody bag.  I don't know that I have ever seen her smile like that before.  She was so proud of herself.  I was so glad that I was wearing sunglasses because I was in tears watching my little girl so proud of herself for making a difference.

Ready to Make a Difference!

L was thrilled that the street was shut down the vehicles so she could ride her bike as fast as she wanted.

It wouldn't be a complete day if we didn't stop to pick some dandelions.

T was so excited to get out of his stroller.

Arriving at the finish line after 9kms!

Feeling pretty good about finishing.

All done for this year but I'm sure we will be back again next year!

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