Thursday 27 October 2011

E is for Eating

I have to say that I love eating.  Perhaps I should clarify that by saying that I love eating yummy food.  I love trying new things and I love the comfort of old favourites.  One of my favourite things to do is go out to eat.  I don't care if it is a restaurant, a friends house or a baby shower.  If there is food, I will more than likely be there.  Perhaps I love going out so much because it means that I didn't have to cook the food.  I really do like working in my kitchen and creating tasty meals and yummy desserts but lately the hour before dinner has been mayhem.  T is beginning to climb on everything but he has no sense of balance so he is always tumbling over somewhere.  If he's not tumbling, then he is racing around the house unplugging lights and trying to find power bars.  Then there is L who always wants to help which is really sweet.  When I bake I love to include her but usually dinner is made in such a hurry that I don't have time to let her help.  I have discovered the wonderful world of pretend in the kitchen.  While I cook, I give L a frying pan or pot that I am not using and various kitchen utensils.  She then watches and copies me as I rush around making dinner.  I must admit that it warms my heart when I look over and see her mimicking my every move and beaming as if she is creating a prize winning dish at a five star restaurant.

So, back to the purpose of this post.  I am thankful for the food I have to eat, for the children and husband I get to feed everyday, for a full fridge, for yummy restaurants, for friends and family who are wonderful cooks, and for baby shower buffets ;)

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