Wednesday 24 August 2011

Stomach Flu Perspective

Well, I officially hate having the stomach flu.  The crazy thing is that while I was in the midst of it, I couldn't decide if I would rather have the stomach flu or be going through labor.  It was a bad flu.  But something interesting happened in the midst of this flu.  I somehow managed to gain some perspective.  Usually when I have the flu I cry the entire time.  Seriously, I do.  I hate throwing up.  But this time, as I had my head in my semi-clean toilet, I realized that it was nice be able to have somewhere to throw up into that I can flush and away it goes.  I also have a nice comfy bed that I can lay in between episodes.  I also have air conditioning so that I don't have to battle 37 degree weather while I'm sick.  I have clean water to sip and access to all the gingerale I could possibly need.  In addition to all of this, I have my mom nearby.  She came over first thing in the morning to watch my kids so that I could get well.  Yep, I am blessed.  Too bad it took a stomach flu to make me see that.

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